Rice Memorial Baptist Church
Friday, July 26, 2024

Becky's Blog

April 2023                    A Banquet Awaits

As I read Psalm 105, the Lord blessed me with such a wonderful picture.  It’s a bit of a departure from my normal blog format but I wanted to share how the Holy Spirit blessed me as I prayed and journaled through this passage and hope it blesses others as well.  Join me as we sit at the table set by God’s Word, celebrating the sumptuous food and nourishment always on the menu.   

Vs. 1: “Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim His greatness.  Let the whole world know what He has done.”

Let’s start with the ‘appetizer’ course of giving thanks and proclaiming His goodness.  What better way to celebrate a wonderful meal by being teased by delicious and easily shared goodies?  Our thanks for all God has done and continues to do should draw us and prompt us to invite others to seek after His Presence and whet the appetite for the full experience that is being prepared!

 Vs. 2: “Sing to Him, yes, sing His praises.  Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds.”

Salad, you ask?  Well, of course!  Who wouldn’t enjoy the fresh and crisp goodness of what God has provided?  There is so much texture to a salad, so many visual stimuli of color and flavors.  As we praise Him, the texture and flavor of our understanding on what our relationship can become deepens; we experience so many different aspects of His majesty.

 Vs. 3: “Exult in His holy name; rejoice You who worship the LORD.”

Ah, the main course – the ‘meat and potatoes’ of the experience – worshipping God.  It’s the most filling part of the menu at our banquet.  Exultation, rejoicing, and worship – it strengthens us as nothing else can, fueling our journey and our purpose.

 Vs. 4: “Search for the LORD and for His strength; continually seek Him.”

Nice tall glass of refreshing water, anyone?  Water that is placed in a sparkling glass at our fingertips and readily refilled no matter how many times it is drained?  That is God’s promise to us when we seek Him.  We will always be filled with the very best and purest of water – the Living Water (John 4:10).

 Vs. 5: “Remember the wonders He has performed, His miracles and the rulings He has given.”

Dessert course – bring it on!  The sweetness of thinking upon God’s wonders in our lives will lead to such an indescribable appreciation for the many ways He has been faithful.  Oh, that we would ‘drool’ over His miracles and guidance for our lives as readily as we do over a selection of cakes or pies!

In this day of microwave or drive thru meals, we can forget how much it means to sit and savor a meal that hands of love prepared.  Not seeing as precious to focus with intentionality at the variety, the flavors, and the company in which the meal is shared.  Sadly, we have probably allowed that same rushed mentality to be seen in how we spend time in God’s Word.  A minute here or a few minutes there, not fully present because we are already full of the next thing to be done. 

 As I slowed down and spent time with these 5 verses, the Holy Spirit helped me realize how God longs for us to hunger for a connection with His Word every day; to know that the hunger will be abundantly fed because the indwelling Holy Spirit has laid the table designed for a rich and satisfying experience. As Psalm 34:8 promises “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him.”  We are so very blessed to have a seat at that eternal table, to know its value and meaning.  No, we aren’t worthy of the banquet invitation but we belong to the One who is – our Savior, Jesus Christ.    

 Bon Appétit!


March 2023  --  Jagged Edges

1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
The verse above can be read quickly and that means it can be read carelessly.  Not intentionally, but it’s nature of our impatient attention span - the shorter the sentence, the more quickly our eyes pass over it.  
The first use of the word “care” comes from the Greek word for anxiety.  This isn’t talking about a minor issue troubling someone; it is speaking of something that has reached the point of taking over one’s thoughts and perspective.  In contrast, while the word looks the same in the second part of the verse, a different Greek word is used denoting concern, not worry or anxiousness, but attention and focus - very different things. 
There’s either been or there will be a time in all our lives when cares and troubles arise that made us feel there is no one who would understand, no one to turn to, talk with or just lean on so as not be so susceptible to our own exaggerated thought process of imagining the worst.  Our enemy will be active as well, expertly seeking to isolate and separate to increase the anxiety.  He certainly does not want us calling upon any promise of peace and truth or exchanging light for darkness which is what will transpire when we turn to Jesus.  
So, what happens when the cares of this world - worries and anxieties - plague us because we hang on to them?  Usually, we take them on under our own wisdom or strength, increasing the likelihood of making it worse.  Something less obvious is while we know to give it Jesus, we decide to first triage it through a well-intentioned but still flawed filter.  We may measure them against the cares of another and decide that to bring it to Jesus seems almost selfish. What about that care that has my fingerprint on it.  You know the one that came about because of a sinful decision or action on my part?  The flesh will say ‘wait, not yet’ to nurse it, revisit, rationalize, or excuse it to avoid the possibility of repentance.  That sort of worry becomes heavier and sharper with jagged edges that make it even more painful to bear yet we persist because we can’t imagine passing that on to Jesus. 
The longer we try to handle everything on our own, the greater the avenue is given the enemy to deepen the doubt and heighten the anxiety – the exact opposite of what Jesus promises.  The enemy wants us anxious and paralyzed with uncertainty and our flesh wants to control the outcome for selfish purposes.  Jesus wants an opportunity to shower us with unconditional love and peace.  In the verse, the use of the word “cast” points to a decisive action.  The picture of fishing comes to mind.  That line isn’t just dropped into the water – the fisherman winds back his entire arm so there’s momentum while bringing that rod forward and letting the line fly out as far as it can, away from where he is.  That’s the intentionality with which Jesus wants to see us release all our cares to Him.       
Make no mistake, yielding the authority and the glory for that outcome to God is contradictory to the agenda of both the enemy and the flesh.  Because of that, there will be great spiritual persuasion to hang on to the burden with some very creative deceptions.  Jesus anticipated that as He made the command very simple.  All cares are to be cast on Him.  He knew given an inch, we would take a mile, as the old saying goes.  Jesus cares about what concerns us, no exclusions.  Let that settle in with the full weight that it carries.  His care is deep, abiding, rich, gentle, and eternal.  He wants our cares, all of them - just as they are - without any clean-up or explanation.  He will guide us through our part, if there is a part, we are to play but He will shoulder the burden.  Remember, as He also promised, His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).
Yes, while we are here on this earth, worldly cares and troubles will come.  We are fallen people in a fallen world but we belong to a risen and victorious Savior, one that loves us unconditionally!  Some cares come and go quickly while others seem to attach themselves with jagged edges that would threaten to shred all aspects of our lives.  Small or large, don’t hesitate any longer, cast those cares to Jesus.  He can and, more importantly, wants them, jagged edges, and all.  

February 2023 -- Go Where the Grain Is

Gen. 42:1-2 “When Jacob heard that grain was available in Egypt, he said to his sons, ‘Why are you standing around
looking at one another? I have heard there is grain in Egypt. Go down there and buy enough grain to keep us alive.
Otherwise we die.’
In the familiar Old Testament account from which this passage comes, God brought about deliverance for His people from a deadly famine; however, they had to claim it which first meant acknowledging that it was not of their hand but His. The journey they would take had a purpose as well, preparing them for the encounter in which not only would grain
be generously provided but a broken family would be reunited and reconciled.
As often happens when I study Scripture, pictures are brought to my mind on passages that God intends for me to meditate on more deeply. For these verses, the picture brought to mind of a group of men doing a lot of talking until brought up short by a hard truth was the “uh-oh” moment telling me to slow down. As the passage indicates, Jacob
observed, probably with some irritation, nothing was getting accomplished and they were on the verge of starving. He pointed out very specifically that it wasn’t just a waste of time itself but a matter of life and death and what was needed was to stop talking about it and go! I’m sure they didn’t mean to be ineffective – there were probably ideas being
thrown around with the assessment of their 'grain-less' plight but there wasn’t any sign of action being taken. All the while, the grain that God had already provided for them more generously than they could even think to imagine was piled up in an Egyptian storehouse, waiting for them to go and get it.
As I pondered that passage through self-examination, I had to confess that I, too, often remain motionless in times of need, not recognizing when what God has provided requires me to act to lay claim to it. God’s Living Word convicted me on how I was quick to talk about something and look around for someone else to take care of the need rather than
look specifically for what I needed to do, followed by what I can do and what I am to set out to do. We are abundantly blessed that God chooses to partner with us in seeing His Kingdom work done on earth and I thought of a number of situations where the Holy Spirit asked me, as Jacob did to his sons, “Why are you standing around? Go!” Diving deeper with the Spirit’s help, I realized that hesitation to transition from talking to walking stemmed from a need to increase my trust in God’s faithfulness so I would not only see (a.k.a. agree) what needed to be done but act on it, knowing He had already gone ahead of me while at the same time would walk with me.
Famine isn’t just about physical hunger, though that is sadly the plight of so many. There’s also a spiritual famine in the world today in the lives of not only nonbelievers but believers as well. As God’s children, we are called to be on the watch for how we can take action when it comes to both types of famine but, sadly, we are either uninterested or inattentive to the need for grain as well as the full & waiting storehouse. What did Jesus say in John 6:35? “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” While He is the Creator and Provider of all grain – physical and spiritual - and like was experienced by the sons of Jacob, once the grain is sought and claimed, it won’t just feed those who come, it will change lives!
We should be prepared that the transition from talking to acting won’t be without challenge in the need to trust God as we look beyond what is easy, safe or comfortable. Our flesh and enemy will be full of persuasive arguments as to doubt and delay. Once made clear - and if we are humbly seeking God’s guidance, it will be – that a journey is called for, we need to set out and go, even if some aspect of the path might appear impassable. There are some amazing testimonies in God’s Word and our own human history about those that stepped out in faith, determined only to obey. It is always a good idea for that journey to start in our own lives by way of confession, repentance and gratitude for the truth and
means to act upon it being revealed. Nothing like first dumping all the unnecessary baggage that would weigh us down to help the journey be more effective and exciting, right?
Make no mistake, to do nothing and remain inactive is indeed a type of death. For the believer, it could be death of trust, energy, initiative, opportunity, and adventure, along with missing out on intimacy with our heavenly Father. For the unbeliever, it is unspeakably worse – eternal death. Jesus made it clear there’s so much God wants to teach and
show us, not to mention the Kingdom works He prepared for us to do, none of which we will experience if we just stand around talking rather than going - and sharing - where the Grain is, our beloved Savior and Bread of Life, Jesus Christ!



January 2023

What Is In Your Hand?

Exodus 4:2 “Then the LORD asked him, ‘What is that in your hand?’ ‘A shepherd’s staff.’ Moses replied.”

“What do you have in your hand?”  I would suspect that every person reading this has either been on the asking or answering end of that question, perhaps both!  Parents have probably been asking this question since Adam and Eve.   The question usually stems from one of two reasons – something is in the hand that shouldn’t be there or something is in the hand that needed to be recognized as a means to aid in completing a task.   As we ponder this verse and the account from which it is drawn, this asking by God as a Father to His child pertains to the latter.
Moses certainly had good reason to be off balance.  He’s out alone and tending the sheep on a day that started out just like every other and then he sees a bush bright with fire yet not being consumed, a bush that then calls his name.  Reading Exodus 3 leaves no doubt that nearly everything in his life was about to change.  You want me to do what?  Moses’s mind must have been spinning.  I know mine would have been.  The deceptively simple question God asked Moses as outlined in the opening verse was in response to Moses expressing concern that no one would believe what he said about his role in God’s plan to deliver His people from Egypt (4:1).  In response to Moses raising an indirect question, he got a question for himself.  Don’t we all tend to find it irritating when we want to be provided with information to bring a halt to a difficult thinking process and instead, someone points us to think harder or longer?   However, when God asks a question, it is not because He needs information or to make the process more difficult but because there is truth to be plumbed for the one being asked.  What Moses was battling was not the people’s unbelief but his own and God meant to shore him up.
Answering God’s question pointed Moses to something familiar in the midst of a whirlwind of unfamiliar.  That staff was one of the first things he reached for each day of the last  40+ years of caring for the sheep of his family’s flock.  Holding that staff was so natural, he may have forgotten he was holding it.  Who reading this just looked at their smartphone as a reflex to that concept?  Sorry, I couldn’t resist!  Seriously, this staff was something he grasped with confidence because he had learned and experienced how it aided him in his job as caretaker of the flocks and herds under his responsibility.  He wouldn’t think to go out in the wilderness without it as a necessary means for so many purposes – guidance, protection, rescue and steadiness.  God knew that; God had used that time and use of that staff to prepare Moses for the task now at hand.  After all, this was another flock to be cared for - different in form yes, but a flock, nonetheless.  As Moses had used that staff to ward off animals that would harm his flock, he would now see it become a tool used to battle a much greater evil – the slavery and oppression of God’s chosen people.  Yes, it felt the same in his hand but what differed is that he now knew there was another Hand wrapped around his as he held that staff.  With that Hand over his, he would see that staff herald signs and wonders, the like that had never been seen before.  Things like a transformation of wood into a snake and back again, the River Nile turning to blood, a mighty sea being parted in two and then brought back together, water gushing from a rock and defeat of an army much greater in number than they, just to name a few.  All the while, the staff remained the familiar support that he could lean on for himself, a reminder that God was both with him and for him.  
There’s a popular credit card commercial these days with the tagline of “What’s in your wallet?”  it’s careless in scope and designed to point us toward our own desires being escalated in importance.  God’s question as to what we hold in our hand is asked not for our personal convenience or comfort but because there’s a Kingdom purpose that’s been designed uniquely for each one of us, one that He’s fully prepared us to perform, even if it’s been cleverly hidden up to now, just waiting to be activated in His perfect timing.
As I pondered this verse myself recently, I realized that for me, it’s my pen - 40+ years of journaling that I attributed to be casual thoughts about God’s Word and His work in my life.  I never would have thought they were meant to be shared yet here I am, sharing them with you.  Every time I do, I experience nervousness and inadequacy but then God reminds me, as He did so long ago with Moses, that while I hold the pen, He is the One that guides my hand as it joins with the plans He has for me, plans that are promised for my good and His glory.   
So, what’s in your hand?  I can’t wait to see what blessings God has planned for you and all of us when He wraps His mighty Hand around yours to put it to work for His Kingdom and His glory here on earth! 



December 2022

More than Enough

1 Tim. 6:8 “So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.”
We are bombarded on all sides by the concept of more or better when it comes to earthly possessions or experiences.  There is constant messaging to suggest purchasing something bigger, newer, or more valuable than what we already have despite the fact that all of it is designed & destined to perish.  What would happen if, instead of today’s culture message, we took the words to heart as spoken above by the apostle Paul to Timothy and now from God to us?  In this passage, Paul is warning his young protegee about the snare of greed – the opposite of being content.  For years, I have sung the hymn, “Amazing Grace” as a lullaby for my grandchildren.  One of the stanzas uses the word “snares”. One night, one of my granddaughters asked me, “What’s a snare?”  It led to a powerful discussion that came back to me as I pondered this verse recently.  What snares are laid out not just for me but by me in not recognizing and appreciating all that God has provided and continues to provide?  
Contentment is a deceptively quiet and wise treasure.  There’s no snappy tag line or musical score designed to persuade you of value or importance.  It is one of those gifts of great value that God seeks to bless us with if we would seek and appreciate it.   Have you ever met someone who is genuinely content?  Just being around them is such an oasis of peace.  Conversations are deeper when they involve talking appreciatively about what we have versus complaining about what we think we still lack.   I imagine conversations between those that are content with what God has provided are a sneak peek to the conversations we’ll have in eternity when our conversations will be saturated with contentment as we praise God’s goodness and generosity.   
What is “enough”?  It’s acknowledging adequacy as to quantity and sufficiency to satisfy.  God knows that left to our sinful nature, determining enough will be corrupted and turn into a snare meant to keep us trapped and frustrated.  A biography read years ago about George Müller has stayed with me as a testimony of a man who lived fully yielded to sufficiency with just what God provided and, just as importantly, when He chose to provide. He ended up with “enough” that expanded out to establish and meet the needs of an orphanage that cared for 10,000 children over his lifetime. 
Trusting in the presence and promises of God removes the burden of quantifying “enough”.  In fact, in our own efforts, we will limit it rather than better it!  How?  Because He is prepared to richly give us everything we need and even more than we can ask for as to what we want if we are wise enough to desire what honors and serves His Kingdom.  We don’t have to worry about storing, buying or using up the “enough” provided by God because He supplies every day more than we could think to ask for or expect (Eph. 3:20).  In addition, He doesn’t supply it reluctantly but joyously and generously.  He doesn’t mean for contentment to be a passive or bland experience but to be robust with awe, gratitude and reverence!  
“Enough” and “Content” – promises that are far from boring or “less”.  They are, in fact, just the opposite.  The love and forgiveness of our Savior, the love of family and friends, the permanent presence of the Living God within us preparing us not just for a season but for an eternity of peace, light and love – those are just a few of the treasures packaged within the wrapping of contentment.  That is not going to be a passive or lukewarm contentment but one that is vibrant and full of joyous experiences that we can celebrate receiving more than any shiny, expensive or impressive looking thing that may be acquired through an earthly transaction.  
As we recover from the earthly excess of the holiday season where bank accounts or credit cards probably got far too much activity, be sure to remember that, along with enjoying what was given by family and friends via earthly transactions, there’s another gift that awaits unwrapping every single day of our lives.  One that was wrapped with a name tag written before we were born as Christ inscribed our name in His Book of Life.  It is a gift of eternal love, peace and contentment with the tag that promises it’s “More than enough”.  

November 2022

What Good Is That?
John 6:8-9 “Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. ‘There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?’”
Many may recognize these two verses from the account in God’s Word when Jesus fed over 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. I wonder if Andrew struggled with speaking up. I know I would have. When Jesus had told His disciples that the people should not be sent away but they should find the means to feed them, Philip had already expressed that he had no idea how they could feed so many. I could picture Andrew listening to the exchange and looking around. As he does, he sees a child with what was probably some food meant for him and his family, perhaps for that day or for a few days but certainly not much longer than that. Could he have been thinking, “Should I even bring this up as an
option?” When we get to speak to him in Heaven, will he tell us of a pressing need to say something, almost like he couldn’t stop it? Evidence of his inner battle seems to be found in his almost immediate disclaimer of “But what good is that…..” It was like while he voiced the option, he also gave himself an out for suggesting something so outrageous.
Yes, without Jesus, Andrew’s doubtful speculation would have been more than warranted. However, WITH Jesus, Andrew, the disciples, the crowd of thousands – and now all of us – witnessed something amazing. In the hands of Jesus, that simple meal became a banquet. What Jesus provided wasn’t something to hold them over until they got back home, it was a meal that completely satisfied: “And they all ate as much as they wanted.” Right before their eyes – and ours – the situation changed in a
miraculous way. “What good is that” was replaced with the living truth of “And God saw that it was good.” (Gen. 1:18, 21, 25)
How often do we default to the “what good is that” way of thinking when called to obey God and stand fast on Biblical commands and principles in the midst of so much darkness and decay in today’s culture? How ready are we to dismiss the importance of day to day obedience to God’s Word when it comes to our thoughts, words and actions because we yield to the deceitful flesh whispering “what good is that” into our doubting minds? Where are we not paying attention to the TRUTH – that Jesus is in and among us and with Him, good is ever present? Whatever is done in His name and to glorify His name will be supercharged with good. Read Matt. 25:34-40 to see that even offering help to someone in need carries a quality of good that far surpasses the act itself. We don’t have to understand it and, in fact, there are places in Scripture which indicate we aren’t going to be capable of understanding it all (Ps. 139:6, Is. 55:9) but that shouldn’t stop us from taking obedient action.
Think for a moment, too, on what might have happened in the mind of that young boy as he watched his small meal be put into the hands of Jesus and become a complete meal for 5000+ people. Can you imagine the way that could have changed his life? Yes, the Bible is silent about his name or his future, but I hope to meet him as well in Heaven one day for a meal (tasty grilled fish and bread that melts in the mouth, of course) to hear all about a journey of faith that, like the mustard seed, matured into a towering tree of trust and service to the Gospel.
What would happen if, during challenging or uncertain times, we assumed the presence of good rather than its absence - looking to flip the narrative, as the saying goes? Let’s look for every and any opportunity to be part of something amazing happening in the Kingdom of God here on earth, no matter how routine, or even unlikely, it would seem. If “what good is that” tries to show up to take hope and boldness hostage? Well, introduce it to the Bread of Life and watch what happens.



October 2022

"Race to the Bottom"

Luke 9:48 “Then he said to them, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me also welcomes my Father who sent me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest.

It is interesting how Jesus handled an argument that the disciples were having amongst themselves. They weren’t bringing their questions or dispute to Him but trying to figure it out themselves and as happens many times when humans with an agenda try to figure something out, an argument ensued. Looking back at verse 46 tells us the dispute involved the disciples arguing as to which of them was the “greatest”. Greatest in “what” Scripture doesn’t say. So much was going on – miraculous healings, walking on water, bread meant for one to two people turns into a meal for thousands, being with Jesus the most – the list is endless when it comes to human pride trying to have its way! While they weren’t talking to Jesus, He knew what was going on both externally AND internally and set about giving them the answer they didn’t ask for or even knew they needed. As God’s Word is living and powerful, we get that same benefit.

Isn’t it the way of things that when a group of people are engaged in doing something, especially something with high energy and high emotions, our flesh begins to look at things from a competitive angle - who does it first, who does it best, who does it longest. Satan will hone in on that, fanning those flames of self-importance, especially when it comes to work being done for God. Nothing works better to separate a group than the individuals within that group to start comparing contributions rather than celebrating them or better yet, not looking for any credit at all.

Jesus didn’t ask the disciples any questions or even attempt to referee what they were arguing about. Instead, He brought a child into their midst with a statement about that child being made welcome. That had to bring the discussion to an awkward and abrupt halt. From anyone else, the statement made might seem random and without relevance but the disciples probably knew differently and so should we. Interacting with children doesn’t involve competition; neither party is looking to “out do” the other. It involves compassion and selflessness. Children are open, seeking and ready to celebrate just about anything! To welcome a child means you meet them with humility, simplicity, authenticity and joy – a lot of joy. First things first, according to Jesus, was to remember the “why” of their ministry.

Next came the “how”. Please understand that I am not advocating for competition to be eliminated. Being competitive, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. The competitive spirit is part of the emotional package God gave us for the passion to live life as fully as possible and there are many accounts of how that spirit has been used in amazing and inspirational ways. Sadly, our sinful nature will corrupt that quickly and almost imperceptibly so that, at some point, we don’t realize that competition has become a way to see one another as less so being seen as the winner – or the “greatest” - becomes the priority. This is compounded when we accept, as truth, the deceitful whispers that the effort and outcome should be attributed to our own means rather than that of gifts given to us by God (James 1:17), by Jesus (Eph. 4:7-8) and the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

Think about what would happen if, as we work together for God’s glory, we, first, keep the “why” prioritized and second, make sure the “how” is done humbly, celebrating the contributions that are granted to us to return to God. Third, in making those contributions, our desire is to be seen as the “least”, not the “greatest”. We would experience wondrous opportunities to encourage one another, lean more deeply into kingdom stewardship, and be blessed by removal of the burden that comes from looking for ways to be recognized by fickle mankind. Most importantly, we would witness the “Greatest” being indeed made known – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus gave us a great starting “line” in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:1-4). He know it would need to be a marathon, not a sprint. As I prayed and meditated on the loving and living command found in the words of Jesus to His disciples, and now to all of us, I had to chuckle at the thought that came to mind – quiet but very clear: “Race you to the bottom!” I’m in – how about you? Don’t worry, the entry fee has been paid in full and the prize is priceless beyond measure, both now and for all eternity


September 2022

"Clear the Land"

Joshua 17:18 “The forests and the hill country will be yours as well.  Clear as much of the land as you wish, and take possession of its farthest corners.  And you will drive out the Canaanites from the valleys, too, even though they are strong and have iron chariots.”

Excuses had been what the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, children of Joseph, brought to Joshua many years after they had entered the promised land and complained to him about not having enough land for their purposes.  In Josh. 17:15, Joshua told them where land was available and to go claim it.  Asked and answered, right?  The problem was that the answer wasn’t what they wanted to hear because it still spoke of effort on their part, an effort they didn’t want to put forth or else it would have already been done and the problem at hand would have been long resolved.  Josh. 17:16 shows they tried to get a different response as it starts out with the word “But” – rarely an indication that agreement or obedience is within the words that were to follow.  They wanted to have the desired results just drop into their lap – or in this case, they wanted those in the land that didn’t belong to just leave on their own. 

What became obvious was they were afraid of those that occupied the land, those that should have been driven out from the very beginning but never were.  Joshua’s response is seen in the verse that introduces this commentary, a very matter-of-fact response that reminded them about having the right perspective on the effort that was going to be involved.  He knew what they were looking for - means to avoid what they feared - wasn’t what was best.  He kept them focused on what was true and obedient to God’s directives and reminded them that the obedience would lead to great blessings.  Joshua was, by now, an old man but in his response, it is evident that he still held strong to the promises God gave all of them many years before when he took over leading the people – talk about effort needed!  Read over the 1st chapter of Joshua to see the promises that allowed Joshua to respond so confidently about the success that would follow the obedience and effort; promises that belong now to us as well!   

As I read and pondered this, I could sympathize with those children of Joseph.  They were yielding to the “what about” persuasion of the flesh and the enemy.  They were struggling with an appearance of strength from their enemy greater than their own.  Yes, without God, that would have been the reality, but with God?  There wouldn’t have been enough iron chariots in the world to overcome God’s might and purposes to establish His people in the land He promised them.  Joshua knew that and, even more important, he believed it implicitly and his charge to his fellow Israelites was to take action that would make that belief come alive for them as well. 

If we are honest with ourselves, we all have those “iron chariots” that take up residence in our thoughts and perspectives.  They are those uncertain or difficult circumstances that are so much bigger and stronger than we are, triggering the desire to give them a wide berth rather than forge ahead straight into them.  They could be preventing pursuit of a dream or goal that is so much bigger than our known resources that it has attained that “impossible” pedestal.  Those words Joshua was inspired by the Holy Spirit to speak still ring true today for the battle our flesh and the enemy wages to paralyze our minds, hopes, priorities and perspectives with inaction.  As Joshua was led to emphasize the need for Joseph’s descendants to trust God and trust BIG, God’s Word does the same to us today when it comes to His sufficiency, power and promise to those that belong to Him, seek His Word and follow His commands.

I admit that I have found myself “stuck” many times because I am busy with the “what about” or “what if” arguments.  I think I’m moving forward by asking the questions but not really.  They aren’t bad questions on their own but if the motive behind them is doubt and disobedience, well…..   I thought about where those iron chariots sit on my horizon, successfully keeping me from clearing and claiming the land that God provided and purposed for me.  Where do I decide to give up on something because what stands in the way looks to be “too strong” for me?  Like those tribes, where have I let hesitancy and doubt build up into certainty of impossibility?  How many daily opportunities were subconsciously rejected in my decisions and perspectives?  Hard, but necessary questions that I found didn’t discourage me but instead steeled my resolve to trust and take possession of the actions needed to move forward.  Like those Israelite tribes, there is work to be done in me through forging ahead in obedience to trust that God will be faithful to the “farthest corners”.    

So, note to self (and one that I welcome sharing with all my brothers and sisters in Christ):  CLEAR THE LAND!!!

August 2022
"Find Within The Telling"
Mark 6:30 “Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what they had
When reading this verse, a picture came to my mind’s eye, that of all 12 disciples almost crowding each other out to get
close to Jesus to tell Him everything that was happening. He didn’t have to call them to Him – they found Him because
they had so much to tell – so much they had seen and experienced, much of it perhaps that they didn’t even understand
despite seeing it for themselves. It was probably the kind of conversation where everyone wanted to speak at once
because what they had to say just couldn’t wait. I think of how Jeremiah described the attempt to not speak of the
message God had given him. He said if he tried to be silent, his heart and bones would feel as if they were on fire (20:9).
It was probably the same for the disciples – the testimony of what God had done could not be kept to themselves.
Jesus knew what the disciples had done without them telling Him but there was something more to be experienced for
them by sharing it verbally with Him. Long before scientifically realized, Jesus knew that talking about experiences
helped move those concepts to different parts of the brain, further solidifying the understanding. Isn’t there something
more meaningful when talking through new experiences with others, especially when it is a shared experience? If it can
be made more meaningful when shared with a flawed human understanding, think about what awaits when shared with
the One that designed truth and holds perfect understanding!
As I pondered that further, I asked myself a question – “How frequently am I hurrying to Jesus to tell Him everything
about what is going on with me, around me and through me?” Yes, I know He is always with me through the Holy Spirit
but there’s something deeper about intentionally engaging with Him by sharing how I see things unfold, whether it’s
something at home, at work, in my thoughts, etc. Perspective would be sharpened as truth is reinforced and, just as
important, lies revealed before they gained any foothold. In determining my answer, what I realized is a hesitation rises
up many times to ‘gather’ to Jesus because it seems there is so little to “tell”. Despite knowing that all Jesus expects is
an open heart, there is that nagging thought that something big or important should be brought to the conversation.
After all, this is the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Alpha and the Omega; surely most of what there is to be told in
the day-to-day of my life is somewhat insignificant. Of course, that is a lie but one that the flesh accepts so readily, isn’t
it? We willingly yield to the flesh to downplay the miracle every day that is our salvation and the power of God’s love for
us that desires deeply for us to share with Him anything and everything.
On the flip side, what could happen as a result of deciding that there’s nothing to tell God about in our lives? Perhaps
some dangerous drifting toward apathy and sin, an opening for doubt as well as lost opportunity for new and wondrous
truths as to God’s care and faithfulness (Jeremiah 33:3). If our mind would be fully committed in the telling to Jesus of
what would seem to be routine initially, what looked ordinary might suddenly take on an entirely new appearance, even
into the extraordinary realm. Why? Because we are tethered to Jesus and, with His Holy Spirit, there is wonder and
awe waiting to join every conversation.
Talking to Jesus is so very personal and powerful - God’s Word affirms that over and over again. I can’t think of one
Scripture that indicates that our very best Friend has an expectation of hearing from us only on certain things. In fact,
God’s Word says the exact opposite in Philippians 4:6 where we are told to pray about everything. What’s more, there’s
a promise for us when we do just that – read it for yourself!
Let’s follow the example of those disciples and diligently gather around Jesus every day - intentionally and excitedly - to
tell Him everything about ourselves. In so doing, we can look forward to the promise that we will find, within the telling,
His wonderful works that are done and what they are waiting to teach us!
July 2022

"It’s About Resuscitation NOT Recitation"

Psalm 119:111 “Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”

So, how is that we think the “hiding” process takes place?  I suspect your immediate mental response was “Memorize it”.  You wouldn’t be entirely wrong but what we tend to do is see it as a solo mission, not realizing that it’s a partnership process – us and God and we are just asked to show up!  As with all things designed to help us, our flesh and our spiritual enemy seeks to make it harder than it’s meant to be.  Don’t we envy those individuals who can recite verse after verse, perhaps entire chapters, from memory?  We think, “What a super Christian he/she must be”.   Maybe, maybe not.  I would point out that our enemy, Satan, can quote more Scripture than most Christians.  In fact, the enemy would love for us to see God’s Word only in the context of a one word following another in a string of sentences.    

There’s no intent here to minimize those who have the wonderful capability of easy memorization, but it really is a precious few who can both memorize and recall long term what they’ve memorized.  Most of us are lucky to retain something memorized for a brief period and then it seems to come apart at the edges when recall is attempted at some later point in time.  However, God’s living Word is different.  He never intended for the burden to be on us – His Word is designed to do all the heavy lifting. 

Over the years, along with a number of individual verses, I memorized both Psalm 73 and Psalm 139 in their entirety.  Sounds impressive but here’s the thing, if I was asked to recite either one of those Psalms right now from memory, it won’t happen.  I mean, I’m not even sure if I would make it through the first verse!  As I acknowledge that, I am still thankful that I made the effort as while I can no longer recite these passages – or even some of the individual verses memorized - word for word, their message is now part of me. How do I know that if I can’t recite them anymore?  Because if you ask me to tell you about what they promise or mean to me, I’m all over that.  Also, I can be in the middle of a situation or conversation and the message of those verses will come to my mind.   It may be just a phrase or a sentence, but something wondrous happens.  I inexplicably find my perspective steadied with wisdom on what to do or say.  Another unexpected blessing is that when the verse or verses are referenced, perhaps in a conversation or a sermon, I am surprised by how much of the actual verbiage does come into my mind, not reluctantly but confidently.  I find myself feeling excited, like a best friend has come to visit.  I realized that just because I can’t remember God’s Word exactly doesn’t stop God’s Word from remembering me.  That’s the living nature of God’s Word!  

So, what have I learned recently from the Holy Spirit as I’ve thought about this?  The critical aspect of hiding God’s word in our heart is not about recitation but resuscitation!  To recite something is to repeat it but to resuscitate something is to see it brought to life!  Isn’t that what God’s Word is all about – speaking life?  The power in God’s Word doesn’t come from being able to recite it word for word but from having sought it out, leaned into it, wrestled with it, and, where led, memorized it because a transformative thought or promise has been personally experienced.  We need to stop worrying about not knowing the exact order of the words but, instead, look for what the Word wants to say to us.  Hebrews 4:12 promises that the Word of God is living and powerful.  God doesn’t intend that power to be hoarded or withheld from us and that power isn’t predicated on our ability to first recite His Word in the right order for it to work.  His Word is always working and waiting to share God’s heart so that we can better know His faithfulness and unfailing love! 

Think about this.  Are we compelled to memorize what friends and family say to us so we can repeat it just as it was said?  No, of course not, but in the interaction with them – talking and listening – those conversations are etched into our memories and will come to mind as needed.  If the Lord would create our brains to handle that, how much more so when it comes to interacting with His Word? 

So, let’s take the leap and include memorization as part of our study of God’s Word; but, let go of the burden of recitation.  That’s thinking too small for what God has planned and, frankly, empty, if the words are just being repeated in a certain order without any thought as to what those words are saying to us.  Memorizing Scripture isn’t different than any other good thing – it comes from God (James 1:17).  For our part, we are to trust that the Helper dwelling within us will take care of hiding what we study & learn of and from God’s Word nice and tight in our hearts. 

It's time to say goodbye to recitation and instead, bid welcome to the promised resuscitation of immeasurable wisdom, love, truth, hope, peace, and so much more that God’s Word has designed for each of us!


June 2022
"Investing In Faith Always Promises Great Returns!"
Jer. 32:17 “Ah, LORD God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched
arm. There is nothing too hard for You.”
While investing for future wealth these days requires nerves of steel, that’s nothing compared to the risky future
investment Jeremiah was directed by God to make. Chapter 32 of what Jeremiah was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write
of his earthly life opens telling of his imprisonment in the palace because King Zedekiah was tired of hearing the
prophesy about Judah’s coming downfall due to their disobedience. As Jeremiah waits to hear from the Lord, he gets
another command. Picture the scene: he’s hated by his people, imprisoned by the king, the city is surrounded, starving
because of the siege by the enemy nation he’s spent years telling everyone from slave to king is chosen by God to take
them all captive and … now, buy some property in the land being given to said enemy nation (v. 6-10). Say what – real
estate investment now, when a 70 year captivity is on the schedule? Ok, that would be my response but thankfully, he
handles it in a way that becomes an example of faithfulness from which we can all greatly benefit. He obeys but goes on
to write of his struggle in doing so (v. 24-25). Jeremiah then put the deed to the land he purchased in a vessel for
safekeeping recognizing that it had value only because of the One He trusted to be faithful to the promise made of
restoration for God’s people and their land. (v. 42-44)
An important principle that can’t be overlooked is that he took his struggle to God – he didn’t let it fester within, he
didn’t complain about it or grumble/murmur to others. Because of that, he was blessed and encouraged by God’s loving
encouragement (v. 26-27). God wasn’t angry or disappointed that Jeremiah struggled in his faith; He provided the
strength, hope and affirmation that Jeremiah needed to persevere. It is convicting to me how much I still have to learn
about the importance of going to God not only first but expectant of His help with the struggles of this earthly life.
“Invest” is one of those words that has a little known meaning other than for what it is commonly used. The first thing
that comes to mind is the common use: “to put money into business, stocks, bonds, etc., for the purpose of obtaining a
profit”. However, the primary Latin word from which it comes means “to clothe or array, cover or surround as with a
garment.” Think of references in some denominations to “vestments” that are worn by church officials. Imagine if we
determined to invest (clothe, cover and surround) our priorities, choices, decisions with a trusting faith, steadfastly
holding to the belief that there is nothing too hard for God or outside His plan that is promised for our good.
Something we must never forget - humanity was under siege of death. It was hopeless, we were surrounded and
captive to the enemy who planned complete destruction for us. However, in that dark and what appeared to be
hopeless time, a purchase was made at great cost so that we, too, now have a deed held in safekeeping. One that is
priceless and carries the greatest investment of all time. We are now clothed and arrayed with unfailing and
unconditional love from a perfect Savior that purchased the greatest deed of all – that of eternal forgiveness from the
penalty/punishment of our sin.
Because we currently live in a fallen and broken world, there are times in our earthly life - perhaps a time for some right
now - where siege mounds of sorrow and trouble surround us. The enemy, with help from our flesh, is ever ready to
cause us to doubt God’s sovereign control, His goodness, loving faithfulness and unstoppable sufficiency. That doubt
looks to imprison and take us captive because deliverance looks hopeless, at best, or impossible, at worst. Is the grave
situation we face beyond any human effort to resolve? Is the hole we dug for ourselves too deep for rescue? What
would be our response to the prompting at that moment to invest faith further in a way that seems completely
contradictory to the current circumstances? Are we ready to follow the example set by Jeremiah - first praise God,
follow it with obedience while humbly and trustingly opening our hearts to Him, believing wholeheartedly that what is
waiting for us is comfort, hope, strength to persevere and peace to trust the One who holds the outcome just as firmly
as He does our deed of eternal life?
Our wondrous and faithful God is calling us to trust, believe and invest in our faith, daily – or even hourly, if need be. It’s
okay if that faith has a little unsteadiness because He’s ready and waiting to encourage and comfort now with that same
promise to us that He made to Jeremiah – nothing is too hard for Him.
May 2022
"Choose Truth"
Prov. 8:1-4 “Listen as Wisdom calls out!  Her understanding raises her voice!  On the hilltop along the road, she takes her stand at the crossroads.  By the gates at the entrance to the town, on the road leading in, she cries aloud, I call to you, to all of you!
Covid-19 continues to lurk behind every corner, grocery shelves are dusty and bare, workers are nowhere to be found, billions rerouted for international aid to war torn countries while recession knocks on our country’s door, the stock market is crashing, women’s healthcare is about to fall off the edge of a cliff, a kingdom for a can of baby formula.  Sound familiar?  Because of the worldly news media and spiritual darkness of hardened hearts, headlines pointing at those issues are bombarding us every day - along the road, at the town gates, and in our homes.  If words could have volume, the decibel level would risk deafness.  Given the message, that might not be a bad thing.  
In recent study of God’s Word, the promise of something better, something stronger and true called to me.  As I studied and prayed, I was convicted that if I was to focus my attention not on what is temporary but what is true,  it had to start with seeking the discipline to hear the voice of Wisdom.   Proverbs 8 in entirety is a fantastic remedy to gain the proper balance when it comes to the yelling of the current topics grabbing headlines and news sound bites vying for not just my attention but my agreement as well.   While being written thousands of years ago, there’s nothing about the verses above – or those in the entire chapter - that exempts applying them to handling present adversities.  Wisdom is waiting to remind us of the  promise that God remains sovereignly in control, a critical message because it is so relevant.  
An important disclaimer is needed.  We should not be unaware of what is transpiring in this world around us.  In fact, we are called to be aware so that we can be praying and serving where God assigns us to be salt and light.  Remember, in John 17, Jesus prayed for us to be both protected and engaged.  It is another great chapter to read for yourself to take heart about the prayer of our Savior to the Most High God that covers us today.  That intercessory prayer by Jesus for us is as living and strong today as it was then and no local, national or world event has any authority to push it aside.
Our generation is not the first to experience being bombarded by negativity.  Granted, there may not have been formal media, the internet or cable TV but there have always been those that love to pass along bad news – it may have come by scroll or donkey in those Biblical days but it still reached the destination of people’s thoughts and lives.  Pictures from God’s Word comes to mind – Daniel on his knees three times a day, King Hezekiah laying out an enemy letter before the Temple altar that promised his demise and that of the nation he ruled, Mary huddling at the feet of Jesus.  What were they doing?  They were determined to find and heed wisdom – to know what was true and not be deceived by what might have been loud or “in their face” demanding validity.  We have to remember that as well.  Saying something over and over or saying it loudly does not make it wise or true.  Truth belongs to only one source, God.  The more we know what He says, the more readily we will respond to wisdom pointing us to what is true.
Finally, wisdom doesn’t want to just hear from us on what we would call the big life decisions – what job should I take, what house should I buy, how am I going to forgive something deeply wounding?  Yes, wisdom stands at the ready through God’s Word to help us deal with those matters.  However, wisdom is also ready to hear from us about a struggle that no one else would find important, a fear that seems silly to have, or a bothersome question that keeps circling.  Wisdom cries out in welcome to us because she is working at the direction of our Savior, one of the guards of the heavenly realm that He has authorized to be a lamp unto our path here on earth as we look to trust and live out God’s Word in dark times.   
Go ahead –  watch the news, check your phone, your feed or your profile.  As you look at what the world has decided to present as today’s attention grabber, you have ready access every minute to something better - the truth.   Truth that God remains on His throne and in control with a plan that promises good for those that love Him.  Nothing is going to undo that truth, ever.  So, as today’s adversities may assault our eyes and ears, try King Hezekiah’s plan (2 Kings 19) and lay them before God and watch wisdom go to work.   It’s a choice that won’t ever disappoint!   




April 2022

"Deep Calling Deep"

Neh. 2:5 “And I said to the king, ‘If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, I ask that you
send me to Judah, to the city of my father’s tombs that I may rebuild it.’”
In the book of Nehemiah, Chapter 1, we are introduced to a man clearly in a “comfort zone”. Nehemiah was in a high ranking position serving the king of Persia and well thought of in the court. However, when he had an opportunity to speak with one of his fellow Israelites who had returned from Jerusalem, Nehemiah chose to ask a hard question about his homeland. On hearing the answer, he was deeply grieved, acknowledging not just his nation’s disobedience to God but his as well. Chapter 1 goes on to describe a journey in repentance that we could all learn from today! Chapter 2 opens with evidence the grief and sorrow impacted Nehemiah in such a way that it couldn’t be ignored, leading the king to ask what was wrong (vs 4). When Nehemiah told him, the king asked him a critical question: “What do you request?”
As I think about that question, I wonder what my response would have been. Would I have been too intimidated by the one asking to answer honestly? Or, would I have been too selfish to put myself out there like Nehemiah did, first asking a hard question, letting the answer settle deeply so that an honest self-examination was triggered and accepting that it was time to walk away from the comfort zone. How easy it would have been for Nehemiah to have asked the king to
send others. He could have remained where he was in the castle away from the unpleasantness yet feel justified he had done something. The next sentence in verse 4 reads so quickly, yet carries so much power: “So I prayed to the God of heaven.” I ask myself, prayed what? Did he already know from his time spent repenting and praying “day and night” as we were told in Chapter 1 that he had to take the lead on this endeavor, this labor of love, personally? Or, was it at that moment, between the words spoken to the king and the few heartbeats that passed when he silently raced back to God’s presence that he knew then to utter the words in the verse above: “Send me”. Think about it, with one letter added – send men – what an opportunity would have been missed to be part of an amazing rebuilding project – physical and spiritual! Read all about it for yourself in the book of Nehemiah. It’s such an inspiring account of God’s faithfulness.
Jump forward to the present day. If we are asked, “What do you request?”, what would be our response? Are we quick to look at the surface aspects of life rather than go deep, prompted by the hard questions that God’s Word and Spirit have waiting to guide us to ponder, especially in the circumstances that may grieve us. A more challenging question to consider – are we willing to be grieved, especially over what grieves God. If you haven’t figured it out already, our flesh
willingly conspires daily with agents of our eternal enemy, Satan, to distract us from being grieved in our spirit, especially to the point of repentance and sacrificial service for God’s kingdom work.
What could happen to our spiritual maturity if we think deliberately and intentionally about our earthly lives, willing to go deep and ask the questions that will open opportunities to repent and be courageous to step outside what we know as our comfort zone? What if we approach each day with an intentional ‘send me’ perspective, desiring to stop drifting through our lives, comfortable, unaware and uninterested in what is really happening around us.
Rest assured, friends, these are questions that I, too, have been remiss in asking myself. Thankfully, God’s Word patiently and lovingly waits for us to start asking and rejoices when we do! Here’s my prayer for all of God’s children after pondering this passage. Let us hunger to ask the hard questions, welcome the truth, even if – especially if – it requires repentance. Let us ask to be ‘sent’. Let us be aware that we are on mission to rebuild and restore.
In closing, don’t let fear stop you from that deep dive. Psalm 42:7 speaks about the power of God’s merciful presence in the examination process in such a beautiful way. “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.” It’s time to get out of the shallow end of our faith so we are ready for the amazing opportunities to experience God’s faithfulness. Deep calls to deep and indescribable beauty is waiting to be discovered.



March 2022

"Not About Excess But Access"

Ecc. 2:26 “For God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight, but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and collecting that he may give to him who is good before God.  This also is vanity and grasping for the wind.”

At some point, have you had that conversation with God – you know the one that goes like this: “Lord, if You would increase my financial resources, I know I would be happier and be better equipped to tithe and tithe BIG.”  As I type that, it almost reads like a pre-lotto purchase prayer.  It certainly sounds noble and devout though, doesn’t it?  What we don’t recognize is the lie that quietly but alertly awaits activation – the ultimate “ransomware”.  The lie that not only cleverly disguises the truth about the work and the doubt – yes, doubt – that would quickly spring up in our lives should our resources exponentially increase; but also the fact that peace we were sure awaited would become more elusive than it was before.  Don’t think so?  Take a journey through the book of Ecclesiastes to get a “behind the scenes” look at wealth beyond what most of us would even think of desiring.   Solomon, the wisest and richest ruler that ever lived, decided he would go after every way that existed to understand and experience his wealth.   

Solomon uses the word “vanity” over and over throughout Ecclesiastes to describe what he learns about his earthly wealth, including the verse referenced above.  The same Hebrew word is used for every instance that vanity is referenced by Solomon in Ecclesiastes.  The meaning of that word is to be led astray by something found to be transitory and empty.  Today’s culture first softened the true message behind vanity and is now trying to erase it altogether given how both advertising and social media has created a frightening new realm that encourages, and actually requires, vanity in nuclear sized doses telling us the good life can only be found if it involves bigger, better, more.   

Over all the time Solomon spent in his quest thinking that excess would at some point become meaningful, he saw people that, while they had so much less than he did, had the peace that eluded him.   The more he sought happiness through wealth, he found just the opposite.  Along with that, all those employed and engaged to help in all his properties and possessions were being blessed by God through all his “work of gathering and collecting”.  

When all was said and done, the conclusion of the account of Solomon’s search for the meaning of wealth is found with these words in Ecc. 12:13-14 “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.  For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.”  After taking advantage of every pleasure of life, every resource at his disposal – nothing held back - Solomon recognized it was not in bigger and better that meaning and value existed, but quite the opposite - to make oneself small and humble, revering and obeying God. 

Please understand, there’s no intent here to say that wealth is evil or wrong.  There are many people of great wealth that without question are gifted by God to mightily bless the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth through financial means.  What would be found as the common denominator of those individuals is they aren’t living in pursuit of wealth by earthly standards.  They humbly and reverently fear the Lord, as described by Solomon, obedient as good and faithful stewards and God loves to abundantly bless and use those of His children that are found faithful.  They have asked for and accepted the most important principle of wealth.  It is planted and eternally rooted in the most priceless treasure of all – salvation through accepting that the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed on the cross for our sins.  Sins so great, not even an earthly wealth equal to that of Solomon would prevent the eternal condemnation appointed for us.  How much time have we all wasted by being confused about where true peace can be found?  Stop gathering & collecting.  Get that malicious  “ransomware” eliminated forever!  God, in His infinite mercy, has made it so very simple and available to all – those with much and those with less.   We are all equally in need of and welcomed by Christ.

One last thought.  Keep in mind that all physical trappings of this life will be left behind.  Regardless of what the world would try to persuade, anything of this world is not, never will, nor would we want it to be, ours.  We are just a temporary steward.  It is very easy to attach the wrong pronoun when considering our time here on earth.  When we use the correct one – HIS – things shift into the right and true perspective leading to truth and peace.  As is promised in Matt. 6:33, with the right access – Jesus – all else falls into place.  Peace is not about excess but about Access!  


February 7, 2022

"Delay Me, Delay Me Not"
Genesis 24:56 “But he said, “Don’t delay me.  The LORD has made my mission successful; now send me back so I can return to my master.”
The verse above is an exchange between a servant of Abraham sent to fetch a wife for Isaac and Laban, the brother of Rebekah, the wife chosen by God.  The servant had already spent the night after arriving and identifying Rebekah as God’s choice and he was ready to get back on the road the following day; however, Rebekah’s brother and mother tried to convince him to wait another 10 days.  While their reasoning certainly would evoke sympathy, Abraham’s servant was steadfast about seeing it for what it was – a delay of his obedience and he refused to be distracted or put off course from honoring his master’s directive, the key of which involved, not the trip itself, but his return with Isaac’s bride.    
As I pondered that exchange, the Holy Spirit guided me to see how the simplicity of his response held a wealth of wisdom for us today.  When it comes to our obedience, we don’t have to guess what it should look like.  We have His Word and His Spirit that are laser focused on always teaching and preparing us to recognize (1) What we are to look for; (2) What we are to participate/engage in and (3) What we are to avoid.
What we are to look for:  God’s direction and faithfulness.  Abraham was very clear to his servant on the reason for his journey and his servant had given a solemn oath that he would follow Abraham’s directions (Gen. 24:9).  He set out with a caravan of gifts for a yet unknown party, identified only as his master’s “family”.  There are no Biblical details about how long the journey took, just that it was “distant”.  Trying to keep a bunch of camels loaded down and moving would probably make a few miles seem like a distance but a 1983 article in the NY Times titled Footsteps of Abraham by Malachi Martin indicated it was 2000 miles between where Abraham and Isaac were and where his family, from which a bride was to be sought, lived.  That is indeed “distant”, even by car or plane, let alone camel.  Some of the terrain would have been very difficult and dangerous, especially traveling with camels loaded down with expensive items.  
Relevance Today: Are we willing to take what God, our Master, gives us by way of information about an opportunity for obedience and stay the course, despite the missing details that would give us greater comfort, time it will take, or the hardships that present themselves along the way? 
What we are to participate/engage in:  Dependence on and testimony of God’s faithfulness.  Finally, arriving at the location where Abraham had told him to go, the first thing the servant did was pray for guidance and it was a pretty specific prayer (Gen. 24:13-14).  Determination will do that, won’t it?  When something is important to us, we can be quite specific on how we look for it to come about.  I have always been so encouraged by the beginning of verse 15 “Before he had finished praying…”  which began the amazing account of God’s faithfulness.  When it was revealed that God had already prepared an answer to his prayer and he was taken to Abraham’s brothers’ family home, he wouldn’t even accept anything to eat until he could give the full account of God’s faithfulness (Gen. 24:33-48).  
Relevance Today: When was the last time you couldn’t wait to tell everyone you talked to about how you experienced God’s faithfulness in a real and specific way?
What we are to avoid: Delayed obedience to God’s directives.   Notice there was nothing in the oath taken by the servant about how long the trip would take – just the outcome expected.  Wouldn’t that have been a convenient loophole for the servant to utilize to stay with Rebekah’s family and enjoy 10 more days of being fed and catered to as they had offered?  Especially as he had just traveled 2000 miles and it wasn’t going to be any less for the return trip!  What was it that kept him ready to make that return trip as soon as possible, even with the probable hardships?  It was love for his master and joy at being able to honor him with a successful mission.  He couldn’t wait to get back to see Abraham and Isaac share his joy at how God had again been abundantly faithful.  
Relevance Today: What’s our motivation for obedience to God without delay, regardless of the cost to our comfort and convenience?  When was the last time, if ever, that motivation was solely to bring joy to God and others? 
While Scripture doesn’t give the name of this servant, he’s now on my list of folks I want to track down for lunch in Heaven to hear first-hand about that 4000 round trip dose of steadfast obedience to and complete dependence on an ever-faithful God.  I hope to follow his example when tempted to give my convenience an equal place to obedience of God’s directive(s) with the response: “Delay me? NOT!”

January 3, 2022

"A Resolution Like No Other!"
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
Here we are - the beginning of a new year. As each new year begins, there are many intentions, plans, resolutions, goals; hopes that we would like to believe the new year will magically endow with a strength that no other time of the year will match. January 1 – it’s like there’s some sort of golden aura that surrounds that date. I’m not pointing any fingers as I certainly count myself among that group. I already have my goals written out and can’t help but feel more hopeful
about them than I did on the last day of December. Only one day difference between 12/31 and 1/1 and yet it’s as if a new strength and purpose somehow has presented itself in that short gap. It’s not long before we find out differently. Because, at the core, we – sinful humanity that we are – lack what is needed in and of ourselves to bring about something “new”. What is it that Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 1:9 - “That which has been is what will be. That which is done is what will be done. And there is nothing new under the sun.” Thankfully, that’s not the end of the story!
Rest assured, there’s no intent here to suggest we do away with goals and resolutions; they serve a valuable role to keep us learning and growing. A key definition of the word resolution is “a thing determined upon; a decision as to future action” and similarly, the word goal is defined as “an end that one strives to attain”. Efforts associated to both of these are good and purposeful. However, they are also quickly aged and easily discarded if not viewed with the right lens. Again, I confess to be numbered among those who have been determined to climb to the summit of success with
goal(s) at the start of the year only to rationalize as the year progresses that stopping at lower base camps can be an acceptable alternative.
As the ink from writing out my 2022 goals was drying, I opened God’s Word. Knowing God’s Word is living and powerful and not to be taken casually or lightly, I had asked the Lord that the Holy Spirit stop me where ever I needed to be stopped. So, on January 1, as I turn the pages to Genesis 1:1 and read “In the beginning…”, I experience a stirring from the Holy Spirit to stop for prayer. What? The first three words of the entire Bible required my full attention? A phrase that is so familiar to me that I don’t even think twice about…… Well, that was certainly quick (and humbling).
As I sat quietly, pondering and praying, the Holy Spirit brought to mind the contrast between how we so narrowly view “beginning” and what the “beginning” truly is. The idea of beginning a new year is nothing compared to what His Word tells us of the very first beginning that introduces us to a decision (resolution) that was perfectly designed, executed and fully complete with no delays, restarts, compromises, excuses or mistakes. It can never be undone, repeated or exceeded. It was a beginning that now “is” and “will be” a means of grace, hope, promise, expectancy, strength and purpose for every single day, regardless of where it falls on the calendar! To be clear, the fourth word in that very first sentence is key – GOD. Without Him, the first three words wouldn’t carry the hope and truth that they do. God doesn’t need new year after new year to try again. What He planned, started and finished was complete and perfect as soon as He spoke it into existence. My life and your life was part of that perfect beginning. Not that we’re perfect but we are perfectly loved from that beginning and into eternity because, as John 1:1 promises, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” Jesus and His redemption resolution was front and center “in the beginning”.
So, let’s keep – or perhaps, start – making resolutions and/or goals and feel free to put aside those calendars, or at least the perspective that we are bound by them. They don’t hold any special power. No matter what day it is, what year it is, God’s resolution promise from the beginning of love and redemption is perfect and complete – unchanging and as strong now as it was on the day He created and spoke it into existence. Let’s be bold and brave as we seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance as to what God has already designed as the resolutions and goals for each of us to glorify and honor Him (Jer. 33:3;Eph. 3:20). We will be blessed to witness how they will all fit together perfectly to be of service to His Kingdom. That’s the lens through which they are designed to succeed. Why? Because we are created in the likeness of He who “in the beginning” authored and completed the most wondrous resolution that can ever exist – one that serves as the bedrock of why our resolutions and goals are possible every day!
“In the beginning, God..” – a resolution like no other, indeed! Is it any wonder that the heavenly realms sing His praises for all eternity? Let’s design and pursue our resolutions and goals to join them, shall we?


John 16:9 “The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in Me.”   (NLT translation)

"The Root of the Matter"

For being so short, I found the verse has a huge dose of powerful truth.  During a recent time of study, the Holy Spirit didn’t let me rush past as was my first intent.  At first, I was resistant to ponder, thinking “I know this, Lord.  It’s Christianity 101.  Surely there’s nothing new here.”  I’m so very thankful for God’s mercy and grace when confronted by my certainty that I’ve “arrived” when it comes to any part of His Word.  As I slowed down to read it carefully, pray over it and then let it be the primary focus of my journal entry for that day, the Holy Spirit revealed to me how I had become careless in my perspective of unbelief. 

We use the term “unbelievers” casually when, instead, it should generate great sorrow in our hearts for those that do not believe.  How much more comfortable is it to think of the contrast of “believer” versus “non-believer” in the same way that we would think of any other contrast of opposites: light versus dark, sour versus sweet, up versus down, wet versus dry – you get the pattern.  It certainly makes it more palatable to think of it in terms of just being another either/or factor, doesn’t it?  However, this is eternity we are talking about when considering the contrast between “believer” and “unbeliever”.  It’s a difference that will lead to either spending eternity with Jesus honoring and celebrating God, forever delivered from our sin in perfect peace, or spending eternity separated from Jesus and God, tormented and devoid of peace in any way as the sin of their unbelief comes to bear in full measure.  I was convicted that I had become desensitized to the awfulness of that contrast. 

In addition to the desensitization aspect, I realized how easy it had become to associate sin to actions that people take when the truth is far deeper and far more dangerous.  There’s a tendency to be distracted by trying to deal with something that is on the surface rather than addressing the source.  Yes, the actions we see may be sinful but seeking to change the action is the wrong focus.  Addressing the source requires an investment of time, attention and humility.   As I thought about that, a memory was brought forward of a few years back when there was a particularly ugly weed in my yard.  I didn’t want it there so initially I dealt with what I could see.  The stalk was very tall and thick and I cut it down to the soil level.  Within days, growth of the weed was well underway again.  I realized that there was a root somewhere that wasn’t deterred at all by my surface efforts and if I wanted the plant gone, I had to find the root.  It took me the better part of an afternoon and some serious digging up of my yard to locate it.  I was amazed at how well entrenched it was but once that root was gone, that weed was as well.  In the same way, Jesus points out that sinful behavior, no matter what it is, has a root and that root is unbelief in Him.  When the unbelief is changed, the behavior follows suit.  Our role as believers is not to change unbelief to belief – that’s only done through God’s grace and the Holy Spirit.   However, knowing as much truth as possible about sin’s agenda is a powerful tool in being able to be used by God in the process, should He so choose to do so. 

As the Holy Spirit was generous in helping me to further realize, being a believer doesn’t guaranty that unbelief won’t find some available “yard” in this earthly life. Yes, I know Jesus as my Savior and Lord but I still live in the presence of sin and this earthly flesh which is all too ready to doubt and be deceived about God’s goodness, His faithfulness and sovereignty.  Our enemy is also relentless to identify weak or blind spots in our lives to try to steal our joy and interrupt our fellowship with God and what better way to do that than with a suggestion of doubt about God’s love and forgiveness in one area or another?  God tells us to be on guard (see Proverbs 4:23) – an active process that means constantly joining the Holy Spirit in examining our lives through Scripture and prayer, looking for where unbelief has crept in somewhere.  That weed I mentioned earlier didn’t just shoot out of the ground overnight to the height of about 3 feet.  It had been growing for some time, I just hadn’t been paying enough attention to that part of the yard to realize it was there until it had grown quite large. 

So, brothers & sisters, how appropriate that we are in the Thanksgiving season!  Please join me in praising God with heartfelt thanks that we know Jesus is the root of our belief.  Let that thankfulness quicken us to continue to pray fervently for those God puts on our heart that remain under the bondage of unbelief.  Let’s be thankful always that we have the means to not be distracted by what we see but hold fast to what the Bible teaches is true.  Finally, be thankful that with the Holy Spirit always on guard against the presence and danger of unbelief taking root and growing unbeknownst in our lives, we are guided to claim the promise of what Scripture teaches in Mark 9:24 “Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, Lord I believe; help my unbelief”.     AMEN!!!!


JULY 21, 2021

Jeremiah 10:19 > Woe is me for my heart and my wound is severe.  But I say, ‘Truly this is an infirmity and I must bear it.’

“The Woe and the Wound in the Waiting”

Who loves to wait?  If you said “I do”, sorry, I am going to flag a foul on that play.   I doubt anyone, who, if asked where waiting is on their list of things desired or hoped for, would even have considered it.  No judgment here – I’m right with you in experiencing an aversion to waiting.  We are impatient by nature, made even more so by the conveniences of today where we’ve been groomed to expect an instantaneous response or use of an app that has whatever we need ordered and waiting on us, not the other way around.  Yes, there is a waiting that comes into play for things like a trip, a gift or perhaps a gathering and in that waiting, we experience pleasure and excitement.  However, it seems like that kind of waiting is pretty much attached to our efforts and actions, quickly comes and goes and usually deals with the temporary aspects of life, doesn’t it?  Not much learned and quickly forgotten.

What about waiting that is attached to fervent prayers lifted up day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year – perhaps decade after decade – knowing that what it is we are waiting for is beyond our control and completely dependent on God?  Jeremiah describes it very specifically in the verse above - a woe and a wound.  Woe is not a common word used anymore but for being only three letters long, it has a lot of meaning.  It means great sorrow, grief or trouble.  A woe that lingers, that is deeply experienced, could become a wound.  You know, those questions that start to creep in – why isn’t something happening, does God even care, how much longer will this go on?  Those are just a few of the common ones.  It’s hard to acknowledge and accept that we are now waiting on God’s purpose with a timetable that doesn’t have our comfort and convenience as a determining factor for duration or scope.  There’s always a temptation, especially one of self-preservation, to put down or walk away from a woeful burden that can’t be quickly removed so as to avoid being uncomfortable or inconvenienced.  In giving in to that temptation, are we also walking away from spiritual maturity and growth that far exceeds the growth we expect to occur from attending church regularly, reading our Bible, doing good deeds and the like?  All good things, yes, but perhaps not the best things.

As I read Jeremiah’s statement, I felt such kinship with him as there’s a particular need that I’ve been praying about for 20 years.  Some times more fervently than others, admittedly; but it is still a prayer that, to my limited human understanding, remains unanswered.  I can definitely relate to the “woe” aspect as there have been innumerable times where I have cried tears of grief over the situation, one such time lasting several hours – an entire sleepless night weeping and mourning and yes, questioning God why it has to be the way it is.  In the end, as Jeremiah did, I  acknowledged that God’s faithfulness and timing is perfect and He would provide the strength needed to continue the wait.  There’s no question in my mind that this prayerful waiting has brought about spiritual maturity for me in ways that nothing else would have as I am drawn back to Him in prayer over and over again.  

I suspect anyone reading this has had, are currently having, or will have a time of waiting with a woe that involves prayer after prayer - sometimes just silence at God’s feet because the words won’t come or don’t even seem to exist.  It’s so important to remember that we are never in that waiting alone, though our enemy would try to deceive us otherwise.  Emmanuel, God with us, is loving, transforming and preparing both the one praying and what is awaiting revelation of His intervention.  God is also prompting so many others to join us in our prayers.  I love the classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” and my favorite scene is at the very beginning when as the scenes of a town are shown, prayer after prayer is heard being lifted up to God by people all over town in concern for a man named George Bailey.  That’s how I picture the church praying for one another and I can’t wait for the accounts in heaven for all the times that happened.

So, dear friends, don’t give up or give in to the temptation to lay aside the burden of woe that may be assigned to you.  Thank you for taking on the sacred burden of waiting and faithfully lifting up prayers over and over.  The church is stronger for your faithful and sacrificial obedience.  I’ve heard it said that who we become in the times of waiting is as important, perhaps more so, than what it is we are waiting for.  May what we become as we wait bring honor and glory to God and God alone.  As we pray for the burdens in our care, and come alongside others doing the same, may God mercifully grant us the strength needed to be steadfast and stay the course as we follow in the footsteps of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who bore the greatest woe of all – the penalty of our sin.  

Author:  Becky Ely can be contacted at RLELYY@AOL.COM


MARCH 26, 2021

"Tithing = Celebration?"   It’s a promise from God and He never breaks a promise!

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 

So, how many of you reading that verse found in 1 Cor. 9:7 winced just a little or maybe a lot?  It’s those last 2 words, isn’t it?  “Cheerful giver”.  Almost seems like it expects too much commitment to the process.  Trust me, I am not throwing any stones here – there have been many times over the years that I played with this phrase like the lawyer in Luke 10 who toyed with the idea of just who is a neighbor?  You know, how cheerful does cheerful need to be, really? 

I had such an amazing shift in my understanding when it comes to the aspect of tithing recently as I was studying Deuteronomy in my quiet time with the Lord.  I will admit that tithing had become something that I did as part of paying my bills and I had become rather pleased with myself that I was obeying the Lord so faithfully.  Who would have thought there was more to this than an act of obedience?  I thought that was pretty big, actually.  Oh, dear friends, I should have known that when it comes to God, there’s always so much more!

“You shall take some of the first of all the produce of the ground, which you shall bring from your land that the Lord your God is giving you and put it in a basket….And you shall go the one who is priest in those days and say to him ‘I declare today to the LORD your God that I have come to the country which the LORD swore to our fathers to give us’.  Then the priest shall take the basket out of your hand and set it down before the altar of the LORD your God.  And you shall answer and say….”   Deuteronomy. 26:2-5

“Say…..” what?   I encourage you to read for yourself through to verse 11.  The detailed description of God’s amazing faithfulness in verses 5-9 that the individual was to give voice to reveal quite decisively that what was in hand was nothing compared to what God was recounted to have done for them.  Verse 11 even goes on to say that a celebration is expected to follow.   Suffice it to say, NOT the usual course of events in our time.

As I read and prayed through those verses, I saw the tithing experience very differently than I ever had before.  God’s people weren’t told to file past the altar, drop off their offering and move on to the next aspect of the ‘service’.  His Word describes intentionality, a thoughtfulness designed to draw the one offering closer to the One receiving by means of personal appreciation.  

I was convicted as I pondered this passage.  I saw that what I thought was my act of tithing obedience was in actuality a pretty sad attempt at an experience that God designed to be powerful and transformative for me.  He doesn’t need anything from me; His command to tithe isn’t meant to take away anything but instead just the opposite - to fill me up further by enriching my relationship with Him in every way possible.  

So with this week’s tithe I did something different.  I prepared my tithe and I stood up – holding it in my hand – and asked Jesus, the eternal High Priest, to accompany me as I went from room to room in my house and began to pray out loud all the ways God had blessed me.  It started with the provision of the room and all that was in it but then memories flooded into my mind. Priceless memories of family, friends, and experiences - it was almost overwhelming to give voice to them and certainly far more valuable than any tithe amount I could think of.  It was an incredibly moving and very sacred time of preparation.  By the time I was done, there was NO doubt in mind about the privilege of presenting this offering back to the Lord. 

Deut. 26:11 “Afterward you may go and celebrate because of all the good things the LORD your God has given to you and your household….”  

Dear brothers & sisters, I can assure you that when I put the tithe “at the altar” that morning at church, I was ready to celebrate.  What a difference – no thoughts of anxiety or worry or doubt…just joy!    I can’t wait until it’s time to do it again.  I pray to see you all soon at the celebration!


JANUARY 30, 2021

"A Celebration is At Hand!"
Exodus 28:41 “Clothe your brother, Aaron, and his sons with these garments and then anoint and ordain them.  Consecrate them so they can serve as my priests.” 
On January 30, 2021, the families at Rice Memorial were blessed to celebrate a sacred event, the ordination of our brother, John Ols.  I don’t think it was any coincidence that my devotion time that morning fell in Exodus 28-29 telling of God’s directives to Moses on the ordination and anointing of Aaron and his sons into the new priesthood of God’s chosen nation – a nation that was called to be priests to the world itself. 
I know that there are so many people today who struggle to stay faithful to the reading and study of Exodus once the people are through the Red Sea and about the business of waiting on God’s timing and instructions.  However, there is much treasure to be found and I was blessed to come across some of it as it was also being lived out in our church that same day. 
God takes the process of ordination of those called to shepherd His people most seriously – He devoted two entire chapters to it!  It was written out in such detail, the care & attention for design of the clothing, where they were to stand, how they were to be washed in readiness for the new clothing they would wear that would set them apart and that was even before the consecration process began that involved sacrifices for their sins, sacrifices for their service and sacrifices for their obedience. 
Because of Jesus serving as the final sacrifice for our sins, those physical sacrifices are no longer necessary but I don’t think that the ordination of one who is humbly presenting himself before the living altar of Jesus Christ for service in His Name has lost any sacredness or holiness in the eyes of the Most High God. 
We are so very blessed to be part of John’s journey in his desire and hunger to serve God as a minister of His Word to us and all peoples.  As John underwent rigorous testing by a counsel of godly men to confirm His calling to the pastoral ministry, let us not be careless in our own responsibility as God’s people and as John’s church family.  God’s Word gives us some very specific commands as well in how we are to come alongside John and his family, how we are to be in holding him up in prayer and thanksgiving.  Make no mistake, the enemy was paying close attention, closer even than us.  We must surround our brother and his family in diligent and fervent prayer, not fearing the enemy but fearing any apathy or carelessness of our own that would keep us from seeing the wonder of this moment and experiencing the beauty of God’s faithfulness to us.
Welcome Pastor Ols.  May God bless you and shine His countenance on you with His gracious favor.  May we, your congregation and your brothers and sisters in Christ, be faithful to celebrate God’s ever present faithfulness to you and through you.